
PDT Co., Ltd
  • Business Area
  • Steel/Chemical Plant Service
  • Project Execution Record
  • Growing Alongside Our Customers

    Through our cutting-edge technological prowess and superior services,
    we're committed to generating unparalleled customer value.

    Project Execution Record

    좌우 스크롤
    NO Year Client Project Details
    1 2022 Hyundai Steel Co., Ltd (Blast Furnace) Reinforcement of Fine Bin House Liner
    2 2022 SeAH Besteel Changnyeong Plant: Replacement of burners and piping gaskets for the small rolling heating furnace
    3 2022 Hyundai Steel Co., Ltd (22) Blast Furnace: Maintenance of rotating equipment for raw material transportation and hot blast furnace
    4 2022 PNR Co., Ltd Fabrication of the 1st phase DRI COOLER Blade
    5 2022 Hyundai Steel Co., Ltd Hyundai Steel Co., Ltd. Strengthening of the 1st and 2nd Hot Rolling Equipment
    6 2022 POSCO Plantec Co., Ltd Replacement of the 3rd Hot Rolling Furnace and RM Table Roller Base
    7 2022 Hyundai Steel Co., Ltd Improvement of Safety Facilities for Special Steel Melting
    8 2022 SNNC Co., Ltd Purchase and Fabrication of #2 Electric Furnace Process Dust Collector (6143 B/F) Equipment
    9 2022 POSCO Plantec Co., Ltd Contract for In-house Production of Rollers (At Pohang New Harbor Plant)
    10 2022 Hyundai Steel Co., Ltd 2022 Hwaseong Maintenance: Replacement of the 1st and 2nd Mixed Lines